The Art of Loving// How to Love Your Pregnant Friend

Last week we talked about How to Start. Today I’d like to share a few ways to bless your pregnant friend. Obviously every person is unique in what would make them feel loved and cared for, but here are just a few ideas I’ve gleaned from my own experience and those around me. 🙂

First Trimester:

Every woman is different, but many suffer from that not-so-lovely affliction of morning sickness. A lot of people don’t choose to announce their pregnancy until around 3 months, so often you don’t find out about their sickness until it’s over or almost over. But in those instances that you do know about, there are a few ways to bless that sick mommy.

1. Take them food. Even if they can’t keep it down themselves, it will feed their husband. The less they have to cook, the better. And I found that someone else’s food tasted SO much better; probably because I didn’t have to smell it cooking. 😉 Even if you don’t do a whole meal, something simple like a casserole, loaf of bread, or a container of pancake batter for breakfast can help tremendously.

2. If they have a child or children, offer to babysit so they can take a nap or have a little alone time. Growing a baby can drain so much energy, and a little break is nice for a weary mommy. Offering to babysit during prenatal appointments is very helpful, as well. (This can apply to all trimesters)

3. If you live far away, send them a “Morning Sickness Mommy” package. Include a wee outfit of each gender, so they have something to boost their morale when that sweet baby face (that they can’t see or feel) seems so far away. Other things you could possibly send, include: hard ginger candy, snacks, chocolate, and little items to pamper themselves like a foot scrub or face mask.

Second Trimester:

For me, this was the best trimester. Morning sickness mostly gone, and third trimester aches and pains are yet to come. Most likely, your friend will have more energy and will be feeling good. This is a good trimester to invest in your friendship.

1. Go shopping together. Wee baby clothes and maternity clothes needed, right??

2. Give her a gift card to a nice restaurant or a fun “date basket” for her to enjoy with her husband. Couples often need time to focus on each other, while in a stage when everything can be about all things baby.

3. Help her get caught up on things that might have gotten neglected during the first trimester . Weeding flowerbeds, doing laundry, baking, just whatever gives her a boost. This especially means a lot to moms with several little people — it’s harder for them to keep up.

Third Trimester:

1. Offer to help with any nesting project they may be tackling. There may be something they really want to get done before baby’s arrival, bit it just looks too daunting to tackle alone. House cleaning, nursery projects, prepping freezer meals, etc.

2. Give them a freezer meal. I felt so huge and miserable and uninspired to cook those last weeks, and a friend blessed me with a meal before the baby was born. It just totally made my day!

3. Text them with words of encouragement and prayers when their labor + delivery day is looming. It meant so much to know others were thinking of and praying for me!

Now that I’ve finished this post, I think I have my work cut out for me. 🙂 I currently have seven pregnant friends in my sphere of friends!

How about you? Do you have anything to add — ways others have blessed you while you were pregnant?

**Many thanks to those friends who contributed their insights and ideas to this post** :::Next time with the Art of Loving: Loving Your Neighbors, Literally:::

8 thoughts on “The Art of Loving// How to Love Your Pregnant Friend

  1. I love this and intend on putting it to good use. I’ll never forget when I was expecting and in the 9th month my mom bought me a new top (maternity top). Seems silly to be thinking of new clothes so close to the due date but I was so tired of wearing the same things day after day and it really did put a pep in my step. It could even be from a thrift shop, doesn’t have to be expensive. That still sticks in my head, and my youngest is 23! 🙂


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