Things I’m Lovin’ On This Tuesday

Oranges. I must have a citrus deficiency this winter because I cannot. get. enough. oranges. Enter favorite new grocery store (which I just discovered is conveniently only one mile away from husband’s vball league games AND they’re open ’til 8 pm most evenings), an almost guaranteed supply of luscious organic juicy oranges… ahhh. HAPPY.IMG_0236Wee little clothes, all washed and ready to be filled.IMG_0283Kombucha. New batch. 🙂IMG_0246My birthday gift! Handmade by my favorite person. 🙂 [The white pallet]IMG_0296


 Scripture reminders.IMG_0270

What little things are you lovin’ today?

10 thoughts on “Things I’m Lovin’ On This Tuesday

  1. Hi Kristin ~ I was hoping you could do a post on Kombucha, like how you heard about it and how you fix it, and how it’s good for you (I heard it is). I must live in a closet because your posts are the first place I’ve seen it or heard of it. 🙂 Have a great week ~


      1. Thank you! Wow, it’s more complicated than I realized. I’ll have to do a bit more research on it. I used to work at the library so I wonder if I might find something there about it. Thanks, girl, I hope you’re feeling well ~ can’t wait to see pictures real soon of the new bambino!! ♥


  2. Really, it’s not hard at all! Mine involves boiling water & sugar, steeping your tea, adding the SCOBY and letting it sit in a dark place for a week. That’s all you do! I don’t add the fruit or rebottle it (other than putting it in a glass container in the fridge). It’s as complicated or simple as you make it. 😉


    1. Where do you get your SCOBY? I actually saw they have them online at Amazon. Would a regular grocery store have one or maybe a health-food store? After this, I promise I’ll leave you alone about it.


      1. Ask all the questions you want! 🙂 I got mine from a friend (each new batch of Kombucha grows a new “baby” mushroom) but I’m sure it would work to purchase one online… 🙂 not sure if you could buy one in a store or not. It’s worth looking!!


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