Hospitality // Host Journal

Hospitality is a subject that is of great interest to me.

What makes a home inviting?
How can one become a relaxed hostess?
What makes people feel most at home?

I am most certainly not an expert and have much to learn about hospitality. We enjoy hosting people and I like to observe at other people’s places to see how they do things. And lest you read this and fear that you’re being analyzed when we’re at your house — no worries! Being served food that I didn’t have to make is a delight in itself! 🙂 No judging here. 😉

So if you care to, come along with me on my journey of growing in hospitality. I have a few tips I’d like to share and would love if the comment section of the blog could be an interactive place for some of you to share your secrets and observations. We all have things to learn from each other.


Food is a huge part of hospitality. We chat over coffee. We invite someone over for Sunday dinner or a Friday night supper. We have a fall party with lots of festive finger foods. We have game night with lots of snacks. Food just makes gatherings more fun, right? 🙂

This host journal is one of the ways I keep track of what I have served while hosting people. I write in what kind of party we had, who was here, amounts of food, how much was left over or adjustments to remember, and any notes that would be helpful to know in the future. It’s also fun to look back and see what food I served to who. 🙂

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A peek inside….



And there ya have it. A simple, easy way to remember your menus and remind yourself of what worked & what didn’t. 😉

3 thoughts on “Hospitality // Host Journal

  1. I always write down what I have when I’m hostess or when I host the youth, amounts etc. It helps a lot for future reference. But I like the idea of a food journal and I think I’ll do that starting in 2015. Mine is just written on plain paper, folded and stuck inside one of my cookbooks. A journal would be so much more tidy and I’d know right where it is when I want it!


  2. I like your idea of a host journal. Will have to keep that in mind. I’m a little bit too much of a spontaneous planner so it might be hard to pre-plan w my brain, but I def could record afterwards. I like this!


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